Calahan Library
The Calahan Library contains over 7,000 titles, including a range of fiction and nonfiction, reference books, videos, DVDs, and professional materials. Every class at Calahan has an opportunity to visit the library on a weekly basis. Students are able to check-out books at every visit. Books can be kept in the classroom or can be taken home (with a previously signed permission slip).
There are several round tables for students to read at, as well as a lovely gazebo area with steps. Our librarian, Mrs. Mehra, enjoys reading stories to classes at the gazebo. The library is also equipped with a computerized circulation system, PC computers, a television, and multimedia player.
Our after-school programs also have access to the library. It is a wonderful place for students to read, complete homework, and find research for class projects.
We invite you to visit and support our school library!

Note: In addition to classroom visits, the Calahan Library is also open every day at recess and lunch.