Books & Beyond
Books and Beyond is a leisure reading program designed to motivate children to become good readers outside of school as well as in the classroom. The mission of the program is to instill a life-long enjoyment and pleasure in reading books!
The Books and Beyond program runs each school year from September to May. The program is for all grades. Each child receives a reading recording form. Kindergarten through 2nd grade students record books they read and/or books read to them on the form. The kinder through second log requires 15 books to complete each level. 3rd through 5th grade students record the total number of pages they read. The third through fifth grade log requires 300 pages to complete each level. The reading recording logs are available in every classroom as well as the library. A certificate and prize are awarded with each completed level. When a child successfully completes eight reading levels, he/she earns a 'Gold Medal' to be awarded at a special ceremony in May.
Each classroom at Calahan needs a Books and Beyond recorder. The recorder tallies the sheets, awards certificates and prizes, and maintains a running record of each student's level as they progress through the program. Please speak with your child's teacher if you would like to become a Books and Beyond recorder. Thank you for your support.
When a student reaches level 4 (halfway to their gold medal), the prize is 'buying' a special reward at the Books and Beyond Store. The store has a variety of items from which to choose. We would like your help in supplying the store. Feel free to donate any left-over party favors, puzzles, books, or toys. Items should be unused and in new condition. A Books and Beyond box is located in the school office for donated items. We appreciate your generosity.