Activities » 5th Grade Activities

5th Grade Activities





MEETING ID: 840 0827 1131


The cost of the activities below is $60 per student. 

Your generous donation is greatly appreciated. 😃

Class of 2025 T-Shirt

A commemorative t-shirt will be designed with student names on the back. We hope to have the shirt distributed in January or February.



Apparatus Picture

TBD - After Winter Break

A class picture will also be taken in front of the apparatus. This will be included in the yearbook.

5th Grade Field Trips

Students will participate in a bus field trip. Location to be decided. More information to follow.


Students will have an opportunity to enjoy a day of fun, swim with their friends, and participate in water safety instruction at the CSUN Plaza Pool on Thursday, June 5th (Tentative). Children are encouraged to use sunscreen and wear a hat as the activities will be outside in the middle of the day.  More details to follow once the location is secured.



2024/25 Yearbook

Students will receive a yearbook filled with memories of their time spent at Calahan.

Sail America Expo -

Date: TBD

Students will dress in period costume and share their knowledge of the Original Thirteen Colonies.  Parents are invited to attend during the scheduled presentations as the 5th graders try to persuade their audience members to “voyage” to their colonies.



Yearbook Signing, Luncheon, and Dance -

Wednesday, June 4th

Fifth Grade students will participate in a yearbook signing gathering in the morning.  Parents prepare and present a special celebratory luncheon, and a program of dancing with a DJ will be offered. 

Movie/Games (Last Day of School) -

Tuesday, June 10th

This is officially the last day of school. If your child would like to return to Calahan on the day after Culmination, they may relax and enjoy the last day with their friends.




Staff vs. 5th Grade Softball Game - June 2nd

Staff vs. 5th Grade Basketball Game - June 3rd

The students will challenge the staff in these annual events. Coach Rey and the teachers coordinate practices during school hours and arrange for all interested students to play.


Fifth Grade Culmination -

Monday, June 9th

Parents are invited to attend the ceremony located in our amphitheatre.  Students should arrive at school for the culmination ceremony at 8:00.  The ceremony will begin promptly at 8:30am. Following the ceremony, refreshments will be offered in the auditorium.


To ensure that every parent receives this information, a detailed letter with the dates of the above activities will be sent home following the October 16th parent meeting. That letter will also ask your preferred method of payment. Please sign and return the last page of that letter to your child’s teacher by Friday, October 25th. Thank you!