Ready for the World » Pillar 1: Academic Excellence

Pillar 1: Academic Excellence

Rigorous and Responsive Academic
Programs to Achieve Excellence for All
Providing a world-class academic experience for our students is the most important component of ensuring they are ready for the world. We believe we must support our students in developing the foundational knowledge and necessary skills to graduate and succeed in college and the workforce, and we must also offer them opportunities and tools needed to grow into excited and inspired lifelong learners. Moreover, it is our imperative to ensure that we achieve this for ALL students, and that students who have historically been underserved by the public education system will receive the instructional supports and services they need to thrive in our schools. This pillar represents our dedicated focus on building a system where exceptional teaching can be found in every classroom, and knowledgeable, critical thinkers can be found in every seat.

1A High-Quality Instruction: Focus on consistent implementation of high-quality instruction to improve student outcomes
1B Enriching Experiences: Deliver well-rounded, inspiring educational and enrichment experiences to instill and maintain a love of learning
1C Eliminating Opportunity Gaps: Eliminate opportunity gaps, advance anti-racist instructional practices, and personalize learning for all students
1D College and Career Readiness: Champion multiple pathways for college and career readiness for all students