Ready for the World » Pillar 5: Investing In Staff

Pillar 5: Investing In Staff

Development and Uplifting
of Talented Staff to Serve All Students
We believe in the boundless potential of each of our students, and realizing that potential is only possible when we recognize, empower, and support our staff. The most important factor in ensuring our students thrive and are ready for the world is having knowledgeable, caring, and courageous educators, school leaders, and support staff to guide them on their journey through Los Angeles Unified. The ambitious goals we have set for ourselves and for our students require a clear focus on the recruitment, development, and retention of talented and dedicated staff. Our commitment to upholding students’ joy and wellness, as well as their academic success, must be mirrored in our investments to sustain staff wellness and to build pathways for ongoing professional development, growth, and opportunities to excel. 
5A Diverse Workforce: Effectively recruit and retain a highly qualified, diverse workforce committed to serving all students
5B Professional Learning: Provide competency-based, rigorous, and relevant professional learning
5C Staff Wellness: Cultivate staff wellness through responsive and affirming practices
5D High Performance Standards: Communicate and maintain consistent, high performance standards